Our private member-only RSS feeds can be used on most major of popular podcasting platforms including Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts
Apple Podcasts (iOS)
- Click the Library icon (bottom of the screen).
- Click the “Edit” link in the upper-right hand corner.
- Click “Add a Podcast by URL.”
- Paste in the podcast’s RSS feed.
Overcast (iOS)
- Click the “+” symbol in the upper-right hand corner.
- Click “Add URL” in the upper-right-hand corner.
- Paste in the podcast’s RSS feed.
Pocket Casts (iOS and Android)
- Click “Discover” at the bottom of the screen.
- Paste in the podcast’s RSS feed in the search tab (and click “Enter”).
- Click Subscribe.
Podcast Addict (Android)
- Click the “+” symbol in the upper-right-hand corner.
- Click “Add RSS Feed” and paste in the podcast’s RSS feed.
- Click “Add.”
More instructions to follow..
Supported Platforms
We have tested the RSS feed with the following platforms:
- Apple Podcasts
- Overcast
- Pocket Casts
- Castbox
- Podcast Addict
- Downcast
Platforms that probably aren’t supported as they don’t allow private feeds include:
- Spotify
- Stitcher
- Google Play
- Google Podcasts
- iHeartRadio App
If you’ve accessed your feed via another player let us know and we can add it to our list for others to use.